directory and running
"python runme.py
". The opening screen should look like this:
The source for this example is in examples.py
. It's
highly recommended that you try running this file as well — this
will bring up the diagram and animation objects used to create the
presentation in the test window, so you can interactively twiddle
, contains a Slithy
presentation that was used to give a real talk. Unlike the last
sample, it is a big, sprawling, untidy mess. There's a fair amount of
stuff in it, though, so if you poke around in the code you might find
something useful to reuse.
You run the whole presentation with "python
". The opening screen should look like this:
Some parts of this presentation feature interactivity. These objects have their own controls:
animated pythagoras: the corner where the a and b squares meet is draggable. the 'a' key resets the diagram and plays it again. interactive object explanation: once the object is playing, 'a' and 's' generate events. bezier (starts as a big empty white rectangle): click in the background to add a control point. click on a control polygon line to start the construction process. 'a' advances the construction one step. the green control points and the outermost construction dots are draggable. 'g' draws in the curve. 'c' erases the construction lines and dots. 'v' erases the curve. 'd' deletes the last control point. 'x' resets the diagram: deletes all control points, erases the construction lines and the curve.Many of the other *.py files bring up different bits and pieces of the presentation in the test window if you run them directly. (Also, look at the end of each file for commented out calls to
to see what else can be viewed in the
tester — try uncommenting different ones, but don't call
more than once.)